The last week of July had me flying to Calgary to sit at the feet and learn from the legendary Whapio. When I was pregnant with my daughter I remember reading the “Holistic stages of Birth” and my eyes being open to a whole new world of the way we think about labour and birth. It gave language to the internal world that women travel to when they are in labour and working to bring their babes down to this realm.
She is a 72 year old woman and elder with more pep, zest and energy than most of us late 30/ early 40 women. She has you hanging on her every word, and many times I caught myself with tears in my eyes and full body goosebumps when her words would register with me. Such deep and profound truth she spoke of, and truly brought to a new light the sacred realm of conception, pregnancy and birth.
We learned about:
– The different realms of brain waves labouring women find themselves in and why undisturbed birth is essential when ever possible.
– Women’s hormones and treated to a hilarious and theatrical teaching.
– The new role of the Doula.
– Educating the father or partner to step in and act on his instincts. Who holds the charge for the birth?
– Understanding the uterus, cervix, dilation and effacement.
– Many many unforgettable stories of her life and role as a midwife and teacher.
– Quantum physics and birthing.
This and oh so much more.
I was fortunate to stay at a beautiful friends home, where Whapio was also staying. We shared meals together and had a Friday night ceremony circle. It truly was an unforgettable and life changing experience where she gave us permission to be radical… in the true sense of the word. We are birth keepers, and keen to keep birth sacred.