Big Questions

The Great Cosmic Womb – Sunday Musings

Birth & Death – They are the bookends of this human experience and we are the author of everything that comes in between.

Micro & Macro – Within the cosmic womb, we are sustained, delivered and knitted together with stardust, light, potential and possibility.

Crown & Root – A wide open heart, a toning throat, fully dilated cervix and pupils, pulsing with breath and life force. I am humbled by the energy. I witness women transform into human portals that deliver souls fresh from the Source. It’s not an exaggeration.

It is impossible to sit at the gates of birth and death, witnessing miracles and grand transformations, and carry on with things without asking some of the bigger questions of life and wondering, what are we doing here on earth?

What is this life?

We have close encounters with death that can shake us and wake us up so we remember that this all ends, and that life is a gift and something not to be taken for granted. The gift of life is deeply infused with the reality of death. Without death, this would all go on endlessly, reducing the value of our time here. This all ends. And if it ends tomorrow, would I look back on my life with any regrets? Can I make a pact with death that if it should come for me at a moments notice, I could go freely because I choose to make every day count?

It seems quite logical that wherever we came from, we would return to, and I often wonder if there is an “in transit” lounge somewhere out there where souls on their way out give the souls on their way in a pep talk. “Hey, it would do you some good to keep a sense of humour while your down there. Don’t take things too seriously or you’ll miss the point. You’re just there to learn, and love, and evolve.”

But of course we forget all that, and our life contract becomes a quest to remember.

What is this life?

“I don’t believe that death comes at the end of a life. I believe your death was there at your birth with you. It was the unknown presence. Every step of the road of your life that you take, your death is beside you.”

― John O’Donohue, Walking in Wonder: Eternal Wisdom for a Modern World

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