Memories from my Mind’s Eye

I have a memory as a very young girl, walking into a beautiful candy store somewhere when my family was on holiday. It had a black and white checkered floor, a robin’s egg blue and cherry red colour palate, big windows with heavy curtains, victorian lamps and the smell of warm sugar on the air. Behind the big counter were rows and rows of different candies in glass jars that were every colour of the rainbow and beyond. It was magic to my senses, and I knew even as a very young girl, that there was something about this place that resonated with me, that there was something there for me to know, and it wasn’t the candy but it made a big enough impression on me that I never forgot it.

I know now that this candy store struck such a chord with me because it resembled an apothecary. I think when you’re a kid, you’re still so close to the other side and things can speak loudly to us. I was so enamoured and taken with this place; it was the first sign post that the universe put out for me saying “hey kid, maybe you should pay attention here and do something with your life in a place like this.”

To pull something out of your mind’s eye and make it into an actual reality is not always an easy thing to do. Picking up the bow, shooting the arrow and knowing full well that you will not hit the target every time is humbling. It takes time to develop skills and it takes courage to act upon them. It takes commitment to see things through and to master your craft. I have so far to go but I have also come a long way in 10 months since starting this grand voyage! It is easy to compare yourself to others, especially on social media where it seems everyone is doing more than you. I only strive to be better than who I was yesterday.

I can’t tell you how happy this photo makes me. Or rather, how happy it makes the little girl inside of me. She is as happy as a kid in a candy store…. Little bottles all different shapes and sizes, filled with unique and vibrant colours and magic, medicine and energy in each one.

All of the herbs in my oils have been wild crafted or grown with love and care in my garden.

There is so much power in beginning.

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