You have arrived on the other side of birth.
It’s the golden hour and it’s trauma. It looks different for us all, but regardless this initiation comes with blood, sweat and tears.
There is an overload of information coming at you through the filter of an institution or someone else’s experience. It is not a linear path but an ebbing and flowing gradient where days and nights blend into one another.
It’s a time of deep diving into your sleep reserves.
Deep prayers that you are doing things right.
New struggles, new muscles, new insight, new strength, new love, and feet in a brand new world that you’ve seen other women lose themselves in, and some flourish in.
What a place to be. What a paradox. No pressure or anything.
You carry the enormous weight of keeping a new human being alive, and yet you can’t help but hear the echos of the world around you telling you to lose the baby weight and feeling the pressure to “bounce back.”
There is no going back.
Everything comes undone because it must to birth a baby. You are born as a mother, and like every new born on this planet it takes time to gather yourself, come back to yourself, recognize and honour yourself. It takes time to learn this new rhythm and new role you’ve embodied.
We need integration after birth.
Acknowledgment of this epic cross over.
Alignment and healing of your body, mind and soul.
Recalibration of our nervous systems.
Warm meals and lots of them.
Sometimes there is grief. Sometimes there is euphoria. Sometimes there is both.
We need real conversations about pelvic floor health, abdominal separation, breakthroughs and broken hearts, birth stories, breastfeeding, painful relationship shifts, and navigating your way through uncharted territory on minimal sleep.
You are so bad ass. You are so incredible. I can feel your whole ancestral line in the room cheering you on. You are doing great, and you are so loved.
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