Transformation and Adaptation for a Changing World




We are without a doubt, living in one hell of an intense and changing time. You can feel it, right? I think most of us can agree that these are light years away from the days we were raised in. While it’s easy to focus on the drama, darkness and fear of this time as it is all around, I would like focus on the good things happening, and how we can transform and adapt ourselves to thrive in our brave new world. I find it is a challenging topic to write about because it is something that we can’t see with our eyes, but instead, we FEEL within our bodies, and within our inner landscapes.

A grand realization happened for me in these past weeks; Our bodies need to recalibrate and reset or, just like a computer, they will not function properly in this new world. We are all navigating these new waters without a map. Here are some ideas that have helped me keep my inner compass pointing to my true north.

Challenge yourself with these:

1. Premium Kitchen

This does not mean throwing out everything in your cupboards and replacing it all with over priced goods from the health food store. It does, however, mean throwing out all the non-food junk taking up space in your kitchen, and in your body. It means making a commitment to yourself to eat real food. It also means shifting your perception and relationship to food. A dandelion is a superfood that grows in abundance in your back yard… doesn’t cost a thing! Sometimes food is just about putting good fuel into your body; fueling the beast. It doesn’t always have to be gourmet, but it has to be a food that your body can recognize! Once you’re going steady with real food, you’ll be saying goodbye to inflammation and you have more room for goodness in your body.

2. Adaptogenic Herbs

I really can’t express enough love for these herbs. I really feel that they have pulled me out of the trenches during my hardest days. The name says it all.. ADAPT-ogen. They help you deal with and mange stress. And honestly, who isn’t just a little stressed out these days? Stress doesn’t always look like driving frantically in rush hour traffic, and rushing to work, and getting to meetings on time. It can look like no sleep because of a new baby, or overwhelm from juggling projects, and relationships, and money etc. Think of these herbs as allies, ready to work with you, and alongside you to lighten your mental load. Try this adaptogenic coffee recipe!

3. Maximize your morning

Mornings are truly sacred to me. Showing up for myself first thing sets the tone for my day. Reminding myself that whatever life throws at me – that it’s just a ride, so breath and relax. It’s all a test and a chance to grow. My morning routine includes doing 3 sets of 30 breath of fire, and committing to a minimum of 20 minutes of getting my heart rate up. Sometimes that is just walking, and some days I have more energy and will jog for 40 minutes. Either way, its the action that matters. By working the heart, I feel more resilient and much more in control and IN my body. Movement and burning off old energy has been so key.

4. Gut Health

Tending to my gut health has also been key to transformation. As a child growing up in the 80’s, I was no stranger to over prescribed antibiotics. Doctor’s were handing them out like it was candy. I wonder how much this contributed to the anxiety and depression I used to, and occasionally still do feel. I am also conscious that this is where I feel many uncomfortable emotions. Working on building a robust digestive fire has improved assimilation of food and nutrients as well as kept emotion from lingering longer than necessary. Cutting out gluten and minimizing dairy was huge. I added lots of good fats for hormone health and for energy. Ginger tea sipped throughout the day, encapsulated probiotics and more importantly homemade and some store bought cultured food are staples to reinoculate my microbiome. Stress sucks for the gut so again… get on those adaptogens. Releasing decades of stored trauma, addictions and patterns has worked miracles for my gut health. Emotional purge, anyone?

5. Boundaries

During a ceremony a few months back, I had this vision come into my mind that showed me how we are made up of energy and how your life is essentially a management of your energy. Some people can tap into our energy (energy vampires) and leave us feeling drained. Sometimes we will freely give it away not realizing what we are doing, but in any case, I realized that our energy, or life force is so vital and necessary for adapting to this new world. Once I understood this, it was no longer up for grabs. I manage and contain it as though it is the most precious thing to me, because it is! It is the platform on which I live my life! Saying no when I don’t really want to do things, and divorcing myself from people who want to plug into to my source has not only made me happier, but made me feel much more in control. The biggest message that came through and has stuck with me during that ceremony is “Now that you know what you know, how will you manage your energy?”


“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”

-Martha Graham


Shop for premium adaptogenic herbs here at Harmonic Arts Botanical Dispensary.
Harmonic Arts Botanical Dispensary